
What are olive oil mills?​

If we talk about olive oil mills, we are referring specifically to a kind of special grinders to extract the pure oil from olives. Formerly, this type of instrument was used in a rustic way, in the countryside by small olive oil processors, or by small, medium, or large olive oil processors, which have been modernized every day.

Where are the most famous oil mills in Spain?​

Tour in Malaga

The most famous olive oil mills in Spain are in Cordoba, Jaen, and Seville; not excluding of course other cities where more and more this activity is being put into practice, which has become more and more important due to its high-quality exportation with different culinary and medicinal uses.


Let us clarify that among the products derived from the olive, we find the almechín, which is a mixture of what is left after squeezing the olive, such as water, alpechines, and other solid parts of the olive such as the seed itself, the skin, remains of fat and the mesocarp.

What is alpechín used for?​

Actually, aplechín or “Amurca” product fulfills different functions, but the most outstanding of all is that it is an excellent energy source. It is also used as a fertilizer for various types of crops and magnetic particles.



  • Olive oil is excellent for weight loss, the opposite of animal oil.
  • To lower blood pressure, nothing better than a tablespoon of olive oil daily.
  • It is also known as an excellent digestive and stimulates the process of defecation.
  • Not to mention fighting the terrible disease of cancer, for which its effectiveness is more than proven.
  • As an anti-inflammatory, no one disputes its efficient effect.

For this and of course for commercial reasons, olive oil mills in Spain have been proliferating by leaps and bounds, since there are more and more qualities attributed to olive oil all over the world.

We must remind some people that the olive mills or olive mills of before were manual, but today these devices are electric and this of course has streamlined the production of olive oil in large quantities of liters per day and has swelled the pockets of its exporters.

Especially when the cost per liter in non-traditional olive oil-producing countries is exorbitant and they have to import it. A can of olive oil is worth a fortune.

Oilive oil mills in Málaga

If you want to live a unique experience in an oil mill, we recommend a complete tour to taste the best treasure that Andalusia has, olive oil. Also in this experience you will get to know closely how the oil is made and you will taste different varieties.


In Spain and Portugal, each with its own commercial brands, each one more famous than the others, which for obvious reasons we cannot mention, the business of processing olive oil is quite fruitful and productive, but of course it is worth consuming since its benefits are well known.

Likewise, the refineries of canned olives are another of its derivative products and they are available in different presentations, natural or canned.


On the other hand, these industries have created great sources of work, since there are many people who are dedicated to this branch, even there are university careers that specialize as “olive masters”, as well as there is in Germany the university career of “Master Brewer”.

